Remember our sneak-peek last few months about a fabulous 1st birthday party? Now is the full version from Mommy 'D'.
It's been said so many times; "time flies when you have fun". Well, it really does. I can't believe that it has been a year since my daughter was born. It feels like just couple weeks ago. Now she's ONE year old. It's been 12 months of joy. It's trully been a year worth celebrating. Then it's the time to plan a cheerful and fun birthday party for her.
When it's time to decide a birthday theme, I look at things that she loves the most. She has this hippo-push-toy that she really likes named "Mr. Hippo". She learns to walk pushing Mr. Hippo. Sometime she stumbles but we always encourage her to get up and try again. In the end, she successfully walk on her own really early at the age of 11 months; all thanks to Mr. Hippo. So I decide to have a "hip-HIPPO-ray" party with pink and yellow as the colour theme. Its cute, girly and fun...
The first thing is to create a hippo birthday invitation. Our creative designer sketch the hippo herself. Initially she has several version of hippo. One hippo with a really thick hair (to resemble my daughter's thick hair) is really funny. But in the end we decide on the hippo wearing a party hat, holding a ballon and blowing a candle on the birthday cake. I created a half circle garland using colourful paper mounted on thick double tape to create a 3D effect. The cardstock used has a nice pattern and the colour compliment the theme. A map of the party location is attached to the other side of the cardstock.

Custom designed hip-HIPPO-ray invitation
The most exciting part is the envelope. I don't want an ordinary envelope. So I get a pink vellum paper and I machine-stitch the edges to create a little pocket. The address tag is also stitch along the edges. Overall, a really nice invitation that sets the mood of the party.

Birthday invitation and the thank you tag.
For the party decor, I repeat the half-circle garland from the invitation. I make a bigger version using lots of colourful papers. I put it on her high-chair.. at front-door.. on top of the dessert table.. and on top of the doors in the house.. We make a big "A" sign on the front door using a pompoms. It turn out really nice..

High chair decor and pompom front door sign
Did I mention a "dessert table"? Yess.. we create a dessert table full with delicioussss yumminess. In the centre of the table is a really cute HIPPO birthday cake created by one of our talented friend. Colourful wooden alphabets spell my daughter's name. Cupcakes, tiramisu, brownies, cream puff, rice-pudding is on the menu. The drink dispenser is filled with sweet "happy-soda" which is soda water mixed with strawberry syrup and condensed milk.
The cupcake toppers and buffet labels are specially designed. I love the 10 cupcake toppers designs. There are two designs for the food labels; the sweet dessert has pink with cute ribbon label, whilst the savoury food has yellow with hippo head label. A "Please enjoy" sign is placed on to the dessert table so guest can take as much as they want.
Food buffet labels; savoury and sweets.
Pink and yellow plate is a must for a yellow and pink party! We create a empty name-label and stick it to drinking glass so each guest can write their names and don't mix glasses with each other. We prepare lollies bags for children who come to the party.. We design two 'thank you' tags; yellow for the boys, pink for the girls.
Serving tables, lollies bag, and guest cup name label
I want to make sure every guest has something to take home that they remember from my daughter's party.. Whilst the children receive their lollies bags, adults and babies also receive personalised 'thank you' gifts. My daughter is the first one in her group who turn one year old. So she has lots (I count up to 10 babies) of babies friends. I created bibs with 'hip-hippo-ray' design. For the aunties, we designs pins with writing : Audrey's pretties/hottest/cutie/finest/fave/etc etc aunty. For the uncles, it is Audrey's coolest/superb/smart/super/etc etc uncle. We make sure the right uncle and aunty get the right pins. Of course, there's only one "lovely" mum and one "huggy" dad pin.

Custom made bibs and pins for guest gifts
In the end, we have a great time.. Everyone enjoy the food and each other company.. My daughter was too excited that she got tired and sleep halfway the party.. She slept when I hold her.. then she wake up with a big smile.. ready to open up all the pressieesss that she got.
Thank you to all aunties, uncles, and my daughter's friends... for celebrating Audrey's wonderful first year!
Thank you to DECYGN for the creativity and teamwork to create such a memorable moments.