Tuesday, September 20, 2011

IM Crazily in Love

EXCITED!! Is the only word that could describe, when Margaret announces her engagement with Ivan. What can I say about this crazily in love, adventurous couple Ivan and Maggie? Beside their tons differences, they’re sharing the very same passion. Both adore fashion; sport is their life style; tremendously passionate about travelling and good food.

Fate brings Ivan and Margaret together. After their wonderful journey together, Ivan and Margaret decide to held civil wedding ceremony in Melbourne on October 2010.

Their wedding theme is “IM” abbreviation from Ivan and Margaret. The couple want to share their journey and memories to a dream wedding.


Ivan and Margaret want Joyful and Casual wedding party with pink and green as the main theme. DECYGN creative team settle on pompoms and pinwheel are the perfect ornaments for casual wedding party. Pompoms require a little bit of patience, but it’s quite satisfying when you finally get to cut them and produce your pompoms. We feel in love with the cute pompoms and had to share. As the couple wish pink and green it is, matching the cream colour make it even more perfect.

Pompoms Gate

Three different decoration corner setting specially designed for Ivan and Margaret. “IM Memories” romantic ambiances with fine dining table setting bring back the memory at what time Ivan proposed Margaret in Sydney. This is our favourite details notice the adorable mouse softies sitting on the table; he was in the box with the ring tied on his neck. The red album is a photo journal that Ivan kept since the day they met.

IM Memories

Other fun details include "IM In Love" the idea was hanging garden party decorative corner with Ivan and Margaret's photos. These photo collections highlight their relationship journey.

IM In Love

"IM Fashion" each item shows their personality and they're nuts about it, both love play tennis, glamour dress and fancy shoes.

IM Fashion

And party without food is incomplete. We set up wedding buffet table filled with excellent food, serve in a beautiful serving ware and matching menu card compliment the setting. The sweet decorative dessert table is perfect final touch to finishing joyful party.

IM Thank you

Last of all, we love to call this decorative table “IM Thank You” for the bonbonniere, the couple prepares assorted cookies in several cookie jars. Clear square boxes wrap with green china chord ties personalise thank you tag, were prepared for the guest to take away the cookies.


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